Junior: Kailen Kim

Madeline Fisher

More stories from Madeline Fisher

Instas vs. Finstas
May 13, 2019

What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?

The people I’ve been able to meet at this high school and the opportunities I’ve been given in this community is why I am hopeful for my future as an Etowah Eagle, even after graduating.

What is your favorite subject and why?  

My favorite subject would have to be anything related to storytelling, so English and my A/V Technology class along with history. As a creator, I find myself immersed in anything related to art. I believe there’s art in literature because of the many stories I am able to read and learn from. I like to use my passion for storytelling through my own writings, films, and music. Actions are impactful, but words can be just as impactful. There is so much power in our voices as long as we stand up for what is just. Everyone has a story, and I want to use my passion in writing to be an advocate for others who are unable to be heard or constantly silenced.

As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?

Communicative Arts because of how diverse the industry is. However, I do believe that there is a place for everyone, so even if someone does not know where they want to pursue their career in, something will come up. As of now, I want to pursue my passion in the media industry and continue storytelling in different forms to better connect with my community.

What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah?  

I’m involved in clubs like National English Honors Society, Newspaper Club, Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, Writer’s Circle, Stream Team, and Literature Club! Wow, listing them all sounds like a lot, but I am passionate and active in all clubs because I want to not only hone in on my craft, but also create friendships with my peers and inspire while empower each other through our similarities and differences.

If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Amsterdam! Ever since I read Anne Frank’s diary, I’ve wanted to go visit the museum, which was the place that she seeked safety and protection in hiding. I’m still learning about the horrors that took place during the Holocaust, but it truly inspires me seeing the people’s resilience to date. I only hope that we will eventually live in a world where hate and violence is not the answer to turn to in times of… uncertainty.