The end is near

Madeline Fisher

More stories from Madeline Fisher

Instas vs. Finstas
May 13, 2019

“I just need to get through this day” turns into, “I just need to get through this week” which turns into, “I just need to get through this month.” As some of you may know, seniors are on their last stretch, their final countdown, their closing date, and while most may be ready to throw in the towel, others are gearing up to knock out their last semester of high school.  

When preparing for such a long-anticipated journey, students need to consider all aspects. Students should think about their financial, physical, and emotional needs before packing up and leaving home. Those traveling out-of-state most likely have a bigger tuition bill and will have to face the potential long car trip and plane flights home, not to forget the emotional turmoil they may face while being away from home for so long.  

In order to suppress the overwhelming feeling facing many of us, preparation is key. Before pinning that post of an aesthetically pleasing Polaroid wall to your Pinterest board titled “~Dorm Room Ideas~,” think about how you are going to be paying for that dorm room. After deciding which college you are going to attend, and receiving your financial letter, find out what the best payment plan option is for you. Whether it be taking out student loans, applying for scholarships, or setting personal financial goals by working through college, it is better to prepare yourself for what is to come now, rather than later.  

Once the money is paid, it is time to figure out when and how you are going to be moving into your dorm. If you are attending an in-state school, you have been blessed with the easy option of packing up and driving there. If you are attending and out-of-state school, let us hope you are not too far away to drive! Also, consider the climate changes. If you are moving out of state to Chicago, bundle up! But if you plan on attending a West Coast school, maybe forget your heavy winter coat, and opt to pack all of your crop tops.  

The college experience is different for everybody. Some may be ready to leave the nest while others are being pushed out and left to fend on their own. Mentally preparing yourself to be independent before you take on such an experience can save you time and emotional pain when you are so far from home.  

Seniors are downloading countdown apps until graduation and longing for the days when they will no longer have to put up with school for seven hours each day, but as the old saying goes, “new year, new me,” and seniors should start to consider taking on the role of responsibility.