Get educated kiddos
The growing pressure of applying for college weighs down on students as their years of high school fly by. The indecisiveness of the future is difficult to handle while balancing AP classes and after school activities. For people looking for a career in creative writing and English but feel stuck and confused in their spot, look no further. Here it the ultimate guide to some of the best colleges for students who aspire to get involved in the world of literature.
One of the first options on the list is Emory University. Located in Atlanta, this school has a fantastic creative writing program for students looking to broaden their horizons on the curriculum. This course allows students to approach literature in innovative ways through their own writing.
Emory offers introductory classes to specific genres of creative writing such as poetry, nonfiction, fiction, and screenwriting. Although attending Emory can cost almost $65,000 a year, there are scholarships for students who still wish to go. If you decide Emory is the perfect school, scholarships for creative writing majors such as the Grace Abernethy Scholarship and the Tom-Chris Allen Scholarship in Nonfiction are available to help lessen the blow of admission costs.
Another recommendation is New York University (NYU). Its program is home to one of the top national centers of writing and literature. This school is full of talented writers who, with the help of NYU’s Creative Writing Program, go on to write critically acclaimed novels as alumni. This course sets up shop in the Lillian Vernon Creative Writing House, where members can attend events and workshops while still having enough room to focus on their work. Students can pursue a minor in creative writing, and some writers even have the chance to attend writing workshops in Paris.
The overall price for housing and schooling for one year at NYU is around $50,000, which for most people is not a comfortable number. Saving up the money may be difficult, but if the school is within your price range, NYU’s Creative Writing Program will not be a letdown.
The final suggestion is Old Dominion University in Virginia. Not only is the campus beautiful, but the Creative Writing electives offer many different options for students looking for specific classes. There are introductory classes to fiction and nonfiction creative writing, literary nonfiction courses, and poetry and fiction workshops. Students who want to branch out along the Journalism pathway can do so at this school, and the total admission cost comes in at around $25,000 a year.

Hi! My name is Haley James, and this is my fourth year on The Talon. This year I am Editor-In-Chief, and I am so excited to end my high school career on...