Do math workbooks work?

Madeline Bernard

More stories from Madeline Bernard


  Many students ask themselves these questions when they have to carry two volumes of math workbooks home and barely touch them again: Why do I have to hold onto these? When will we ever use them? Will they be good to make a campfire…?

  Math workbooks are distributed to all Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 classes, and not all students understand the importance of them.

  “It is not just a workbook; it’s a huge digital resource for students. [The online resource] has a student edition workbook, plus multiple student resources, including video tutorials, guided practice, practice assessments, and homework, formative and summative assessments for teachers to assign,” Melissa Paurowski, math teacher, said.

  Some teachers can find them useful. Not only do they have pre-done homework, but the students can find additional information in the workbook that may be helpful.

  “Math is a skill, and with skills, practice makes perfect. Math workbooks help you get practice, and I think they are very good and effective,” Daniel Efunwa, sophomore, said.

  Some students, however, find them to be a burden because not all teachers regularly use them, and everybody has to hold onto them just in case they have an assignment at some point.

  “Out of every year I have had a math workbook, I have only used it three times, “Alex Hicks, junior, said.

  Workbooks are not just for homework anymore, but not all students utilize these features.

  “In preparation for the Milestone, the students were practicing quizzes at home that I assigned them through the resource,” Paurowski said.

  Students can use math workbooks to study for big tests, such as EOCs, but they often overlook workbooks because they forget about workbooks or do not realize how resourceful they are.