We will never need this

Madeline Fisher

More stories from Madeline Fisher

Instas vs. Finstas
May 13, 2019

One of the questions most often heard from students is: “When will we ever need this?” While most students may be confused as to why each class is important, there is an underlying purpose to each one of them.  

“Sometimes it feels like a waste of time spending countless hours working on homework and studying when I know I will never use it in the real world,” Emily Bucheit, junior, said.  

While we learn literature to create the basis of communication, there is a deeper reason to it. In literature, we are taught to think deeper than surface level, allowing for multiple channels of creativity to open. This class teaches us that it is okay for our imagination to run wild.  

“Most of literature is a reflection of the time period or history, and I think it’s important for future generations to have some knowledge and examples of the past,” Sadie Whitny, senior, said.  

Mathematics may frustrate us at times, but it is another one of those crucial classes we cannot live without. Math is a tool used every day by everybody.  This touches our logical sense and allows us to problem solve on our own by analysis and synthesis.  

“Math is unimportant because many of the things we learn we will never need or use beyond college,” Taylor Coots, freshman, said.  

We are taught history in order for us not to repeat the same mistakes our ancestors have made. This is another course that taps into our logical way of thinking and can prevent and future complications.  

“I feel that history is important because as a society we need to learn from our past mistakes, but often history is written to make you feel a certain way about others. When learning history, you need to learn from both sides of an argument and always have an open mind to new and different ideas because what you thought went down in history might not turn out to be what you thought it was,” Emily Smith, sophomore, said.  

Science teaches us how our world functions. It teaches us how our surroundings work, and without the knowledge of it, we could end up making problems worse. There are so many types of science, biology, chemistry, environmental. Each teaches us something we need to know on a daily level.  

“I think science is important because it helps humans study and understand almost everything around us,” Jordan Milke, junior, said.  

All four of these core classes are crucial in order for us to live and cooperate. While they may seem at times useless, they allow us to have a functioning society.