DC Duke

Kat Kochansky

More stories from Kat Kochansky


For many high school students, the stress of classes and extra curricular activities can push them to reach towards fantasy and escapism. Some people daydream. Others read.

For John “Duke” Ryan Jenkins, Jr., the dazzling characters of D.C. Comics offer him refuge from daily life and a place to let his personality and imagination run wild.

Jenkins loves everything D.C. Whether it is crazy powers, complex costumes, or mad scientists, the allure of reading character biographies draws him in.

“I think I relate most to Booster Gold,” Jenkins said. Booster is a time travelling Marvel character who dreams of fame.

Booster Gold’s so-called “delusions of grandeur” were relatable to Jenkins. As a child, he always wanted to have wild powers, so everyone would idolize him.

“I always wanted superpowers. I had always hoped I would get struck by lightning, or I would drown, and the water molecules would bond with me, and I would become a water bender,” Jenkins said.

With his powers, he planned to save people in danger and help his community.

A love of leadership pushed Jenkins to run for the Student Government Association. He even called himself the “next Rumplestiltskin” when he was in middle school because he loved to write contracts that his friends would have to follow.

Now a member of the freshman SGA, he has a new role to help his community, like he has always dreamed. Working with his fellow SGA members, he is focusing on homecoming and clean up after football games.

Jenkins says he wanted to write for The Talon for the same reasons: a way to help people and be a leader. As for his writing superpowers, you can catch him digging up dirt and reporting on anything he can find. Watch out. You’ve been warned.