Paper and pencil to tech savvy geniuses

May 23, 2017

Once upon a time students learned without the use of technology. They used the good old fashioned textbooks, no computer, no phones, and no internet. Is it hard to imagine? Think about it, just a few years ago we were taking the biggest standardized test of the year on paper. Oh, how the times have changed.

How often do students today use their phones? I bet your phone is right beside you right now, or perhaps you are reading this on your phone. You have probably done some research on your phone for a school project. Well, put down that phone, and get some paper because once there was a time when all learning was through textbooks, note taking, and paper and pencil tests.

“Cellphones only had Snake on them, and many didn’t own a personal laptop until college,” said Tabitha Roper, English teacher and graduate of 2006.

Picture it. Going to school, no technology at your fingertips. Have a research paper due by the end of the week? Then you better get over to a library and use an encyclopedia. There was no page on the Internet where all your questions could be answered. All your answers were in an outdated book that you had to search through.  Oh yeah, you also had to lug that heavy textbook to class each day.

The technology we have is also a huge distraction. Teachers find it difficult to monitor what every student is doing on the computer or phone. That might be why schools are not as technically advanced as they could be, but teachers still need to be aware of what is going on in their classrooms. Know that no teacher appreciates you playing games instead of working in class.

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