Hagarman helps eagles take flight

    Teresa Chan

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    Hagarman helps eagles take flight

    After serving 23 years in the United States Air Force, Etowah’s new JROTC teacher Tanya Hagarman knows how to push herself into better opportunities while keeping herself happy.

    Retiring from the Air Force, Master Sergeant Hagarman decided to move to Georgia and take the job opening at Etowah. She claims it was challenging transitioning back into the civilian world, however she does think that the reward has outweighed the stress and she absolutely loves Etowah.

    “From the principal down make their students education and their wellbeing the top priority,” Hargarman said about her reflection of Etowah’s student body and administration.

    Hagarman discovered her new passion for teaching when she was training new flight attendants.

    “Nine years ago, I went into my son’s classroom to assist his teacher. I looked around and saw the joy I brought to kids and helped them accomplish things they did not know they could. At that moment it was confirmed working with kids and teaching was my passion,” Hagarman said.

    Hagarman loves spending free time with her three kids

    “I enjoy spending time with my three kids and watching their sporting events. That basically sums up all of my spare time,” Hagerman, said.