Jaylen Smith, the new mayor of Earle, Arkansas, posted this photo to his Facebook account in July. Photo cred: https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/07/politics/jaylen-smith-earle-arkansas-mayor/index.html
It is a common misconception that if a young person tries to get involved in politics, they will lack the experience necessary to be an effective leader. However, the new teenage mayor in Earle, Arkansas, is proving that this may not always be the case.
“I think that having a mayor so young could be really beneficial to Earle. Getting the perspective of someone who has grown up in this modern world and has new ideas based on it will definitely be a nice change. Having someone so young in a position of power will also be a good example to those who want to do things but think they are too young. If an 18-year-old can be mayor, who is to say someone young cannot run for president,” Hailey Yager, freshman, said.
Jaylen Smith was only 18 years old when he graduated high school in Earle, a small town in Arkansas, and decided to run for mayor instead of leaving the town like many of his classmates chose to do. Earle’s population has nearly cut itself in half since the 1990s, and Smith’s main campaign focus was restoring the town to encourage citizens to stay. In such a small area, the number of stable businesses and other establishments needs to maintain a certain level. One of Smith’s goals is to bring in a supermarket to keep a reliable supply source for the people, many of whom fall below the poverty line. Despite Smith’s age, people in the town remains optimistic since he has been involved in local politics since the ninth grade, attending city council meetings to hear about Earle’s issues, even when other members did not.
“I believe that, as long as the person in office was democratically elected by the people of the district, state, or country they control, the age of the person in the seat does not matter,” Jackson Sawyer, junior, said.
Smith’s victory in the polls came as a surprise to some, as his opponent was the town’s sanitation and street manager who has decades more experience than the teenager. However, Smith’s promises to repair the town’s run-down streets, tear down old buildings, and keep the police station open 24 hours a day won him the election by 79 votes, making him the youngest African-American mayor in history. Overall, his election and earnest motivation has boosted the town’s morale, and the future looks bright for Earle.
“I am hoping with my success, we can help not only me but help other young people, not only my community but around the nation to step out there on faith to get in those roles. Regardless of what people tell you, you still can make the difference,” Smith said in a statement to Good Morning America.
Though many will say that young people are not experienced enough in politics, Smith is already making a difference in his small town, paving the way for other young adults to follow their dreams.