Miraculous sports

Miraculous sports


A sport can be defined as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which competitors clash against one another for entertainment. Many of these competitions are well-known, such as basketball or football. However, there are many lesser-known activities that are considered sports. Though it may be controversial, there are sports all around the world that many are unaware of.

“We [marching band students] practice the same amount as any other sport, compete in competitions, get scores and rankings, and use both mental and physical strength in order to compete,” Will Tipton, senior, said.

Extreme ironing was first created in New England during the 1980s, and it consists of a team or a single player who searches for the most unusual place to iron their clothes. This fad started with an Englishman who took it upon himself to start ironing in unordinary locations, including the airport, mountains, and phone booths. Extreme IroningPressing For Glory is a documentary released in 2003 that records the unusual sport and its beginnings. 

“I think that a chore is not necessarily a sport and that it is weird to make chores extreme,” Teaghan Hamilton, sophomore, said.

If one has built up anger and needs a place to release it, the sport of face slapping may be the perfect solution. The activity originated in Russia, first professionally played in 2018, and it was nominated as the world’s greatest sport a year later. With the only piece of equipment needed being bare hands, anyone can participate in the activity; however, injuries are unavoidable.

“I personally find it hilarious and stupid, but it does make sense with the image we Americans have of Russia. They are known to be tough dudes who fight bears, stereotypically speaking,” Kylie Daniels, senior, said.

Dog surfing: for those with a love of dogs and tropical weather. The activity began off the coasts of Hawaii and California in the 1920s. The teams typically consist of a dog and their owners who face the waves together in surfing competitions.

“I think dog surfing could be very entertaining to watch, and that it is a cool sport,” Axel Delgadillo, junior, said.

Though many women have experienced in the task of walking in heels, most find it unappealing to run in the footwear. Christelle Doyhambehere, a French racer, currently holds the record for high heel marathon running with a time of just over six hours. While Majken Sichlau, an athlete from Denmark, holds the world record for the fastest 100m in heels.

“It is ironic because heels are notoriously known to not be good running shoes,” Connor Pearson, sophomore, said. Although these sports may seem out of the norm, there are many others that are just as unique around the world. A longer list of strange sports can be found here.