The money method


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Online stores like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy bring shopping directly to students’ fingertips, making it hard for them to save money. With just a click of a button, one can spend thousands of dollars and allow spur-of-the-moment decisions to get in the way of spending responsibly. Although saving has become difficult, many new forms of investment have emerged to help one be more productive with their money.

“When I see something I want, I buy it; I am impulsive with my money, so it can be hard to save,” Kyli Daniels, senior, said. 

With mobile apps gaining popularity, many developers have created platforms that help users set and track their spending habits. Mint, a budget planner, is well-known for efficiently monitoring money usage. 

“When it is time to start living your best financial life, it is TimeToMint,” Mint said in their Instagram Bio.

To connect with young adult audiences, many accountants are resorting to TikTok in hopes of making easy-to-understand content that can help inform students how to properly save, spend, and invest their money. Robert Ross, known as @Tikstocks on TikTok, for example, is a viral creator who publishes daily content on being financially savvy.

“I feel like they [professors on TikTok] are progressing others’ learning capabilities just like they should,” Neal O’Connor, sophomore, said.

One method of saving money is by using budget binders, which can easily be found on many shopping sites and in stores. Budget binders work best for those who get paid in cash or accumulate tips. The folders in the binder allow users to track income and money usage and slowly save for various expenses such as gas and shopping.

“Budget books are nice because they help me prioritize my needs and wants while keeping everything as inexpensive as I need them to be,“ Luca Humphress, senior, said.

While it might be difficult for many to save on their own, budgeting methods and resources come in all shapes and forms and are available to assist one through their financial journey.