When her life changed forever

Teresa Chan

More stories from Teresa Chan


“Two years ago, my mom and I were driving home and saw this guy frantically making a phone call, and soon we realized he was on the phone with the police reporting an accident. That is when I saw it.”
Danielle Goold was just an average Canadian girl before that night. Sweet and smart, Goold lived her life loving animals and hiking. It was that night that was going to impact her for the rest of her life and help her decide what she would do for a career.
“When I saw that deer struggling to live after the car had hit it, I started to have a mental breakdown. I followed it around to help make sure it was okay, but then animal control was going to put it down. That is something I could never see,” Goold said.
This event generated what Goold strives to be and works towards in her everyday life. Her senior project involves rehabilitating her own dog, who suffers from arthritis, by taking him to a rehab center, where he walks on an underwater treadmill. Her facilitator teaches her a lot about animal rehabilitation and why things work the way they do. Goold interns at her local animal hospital.
“I really like to work there because I can see and try cool stuff. I even got to take a stool sample from a dog which was exciting,” Goold, said laughing at the memory.
During her free time, Goold loves to read and run our high school newspaper. She considers herself fun to be around and easy to make friends with.
“She is super sweet and encouraging, especially when it comes to writing,” Haley James, freshman, said about her editor-in-chief.
When asked if there was something Goold could not ever live without, she smiled and said, “It sounds cheesy, but I could never live without love just like how a person could never live without air.”