Freshman: Noah Lenocker

Ila Prabhuram

More stories from Ila Prabhuram

A new musical era
May 10, 2023
Freshman: Noah Lenocker

What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle? 

My favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle would have to be, being able to spend time with my friends during lunch and having studdnts that are way more willing to help you for different subjects. Being able to get help for something I am struggling with is very helpful. 

What is your favorite subject and why?  

My favorite subject would have to be Computer Science mainly because I am able to express my imagination into code and make it real. We get to learn new ways of making code throughout the year and it’s just a very interesting experience even for those who have no experience with coding. 

As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing? 

I see myself pursuing a path somewhere down the Computer Science path, but there are many jobs out there that involve Computer Science and it is hard to choose what career I wish to have. 

What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah? 

I am not involved in anything for Etowah at the moment.  

If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

I would go to Germany as I have most of my heritage there and I would like to get to know my ancestors and cousins that are currently living in Germany. My sister has taken the German classes and she’s been teaching me some, so I am some what prepared to have a conversation when it comes to speaking in Germany.