Shield skin from winter weather

Teresa Chan

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It is that time of year again; your lips get chapped, your nose gets red, and there is flaky skin everywhere. The effects of the winter season on your skin are harsh and can take the holiday spirit out of anyone.

Certified dermatologist Dr. Susan Mayou says the lack of moisture in the environment causes skin cells to lose water, leaving skin feeling dry or chapped. Prevent your skin from irritation and redness with these few simple tricks.

 Bundle up, and protect your hands. During the winter, hands are the most vulnerable to the unforgiving cold. We wash them constantly to protect against the flu and other diseases, but we end up stripping the moisture out. Baby your hands as much as possible by wearing gloves, or just keep them in pockets. It is better than having to spend money all winter on hand cream. 

Moisturize, of course. Switch out your light formula for a substantially thicker moisturizer during winter. The main goal is to lock in the hydration to battle against the dry air. Most dermatologists recommend moisturizing both in the morning and before you go to sleep, so your skin can have time to repair itself throughout the night.

Hydrate from the inside out. But even using the heaviest moisturizer will not help if your body is dehydrated. It is easy to get caught up in winter drinks like coffee and hot cocoa, but do not forget to drink water. A little warm water can be refreshing and hydrating, and adding a pinch of lemon does not hurt at all. Containing potassium and vitamin C, lemon is efficient in boosting your immune system to combat winter weather.

During the harsh winter months, life can get stressful. With final exams and worrying about the weather, your skin is one of the last things you need to worry about. You should be able to enjoy the holidays with friends and family instead of grabbing tissues and reaching for more lotion.